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MyPyramid Web Quest

What To Eat for Lunch?

An Internet WebQuest on Nutrition and MyPyramid




Greasy! Gross! Disgusting! These comments are often heard in the Holy Family Middle School cafeteria. The cafeteria menu typically consists of chicken nuggets, hamburgers, pizza, french fries, carrots, apples, ice cream and cookies. The cafeteria workers at Holy Family Middle School have hired you to help create a healthier, more appetizing menu for the school cafeteria.


Understanding nutrition and the new MyPyramid is important when planning a menu.  You need to know which foods are good for you to eat and which foods are not. You also need to know how much of each kind of food you need to eat each day. Your body needs nutritious foods so that you can grow up healthy and to your full potential.


In this WebQuest you will learn about good nutrition and how to use MyPyramid, you will then help the Holy Family Middle School cafeteria workers to plan a delicious and nutritious lunch menu!


This WebQuest addresses the following Pennsylvania Department of Education Academic Standards:

11.3.6.A: Identify different food forms in the marketplace.        

11.3.6.A: Identify reasons why people need foods in different forms.          

11.3.6.C: Analyze the effect of nutrients on health, appearance, & optimal performance.   

11.3.6.D: Describe the importance of moderation and balance in a nutritious diet.        

11.3.6.D: Create a well balanced daily menu using current dietary guidelines.

